There are different famous universities and colleges across the world that have proved themselves as the best universities and colleges due to their higher standard of education and different other factors. There are different organizations and other research institutions that have designed a list of best universities of the world. The top universities ranking employ 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparison available, which are trusted by students, academics, university leaders, industry and governments.
1. California Institute of Technology
On the list of top and best universities of the world, California Institute of Technology comes on the number one. This is a highly focused science and engineering research and education institution which is located in Pasadena, CA. This institute has around 2,300 students and around 300 faculty members.

source: psomas
2. University of Oxford
University of Oxford is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. It is said about this university that twenty six British prime ministers, at least 30 other world leaders, 12 saints and 20 archbishops of the Canterbury have been Oxonians.
3. Harvard University
The Harvard University is considered as the oldest academic institute in the US. There are different types of research reports that have shown this fact that this university dates from 1636 and it is named after its first benefactor, John Harvard. Its 210 acre main campus and 23 satellites house 10 faculties and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.
4. Stanford University
The Stanford University was founded in 1891 by railway tycoon Leland Stanford in reemergence of his son who died at the age of 16. It is said about this university that after Harvard, this is the most selective university of USA. It teaches around 7,000 undergraduates and around 4,000 graduates students from all over the world.
5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. In 150 years, this University has produced more than 70 Noble laureates, eight of whom are members of its current faculty.

6. Princeton University
Princeton is one of the smallest of the private Ivy leagues, but can boast more than 30 Nobel laureates among its past faculty and alumni. This university has total area of around 500 acre and it accommodates around 5,000 undergraduates and 2,500 postgraduates from all over the world.

source: Wikipedia
7. University of Cambridge
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. This university was founded by Oxford scholar in 1209 who quit after a dispute with a local citizenry; Cambridge now employs more than 8,500 staff and has over 18,300 students.
8. University of California
The University of California has produced different famous personalities of the world. In this university the Vitamin E was identified, a lost Scarlatti opera was also found here, the flu virus identified and America’s first no-fault divorce law was drafted in this university.
9. University of Chicago
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. Chicago has more postgraduates than undergraduates, underlining its focus on advanced academic exploration.
10. Imperial College London
This college gives more emphasis on research and this has four faculties including medicines, natural science, engineering and business. This college was founded in 1907 as a constituent college of the University of London, it became independent in 2007.
11. Yale University
This is considered as third oldest university of America and it has nurtured five US presidents and 17 Supreme Court Justices.
12. University of California, Los Angeles
The University of California, Los Angeles, is considered as cinematic magnet. This university was established in 1919 and it has about 26,000 staff and around 38,500 students.
13. Columbia University
The Columbia University, with Barack Obama among its alumni, boasts more Noble prizewinners than any other institution in the world. It has three undergraduate’s schools, 13 graduate and professional schools and one of the continuing education.
14. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. This university now teaches around 15,000 students in 16 faculties. Einstein received his diploma here in 1901.
15. Johns Hopkins University
This institution is named after the Quaker philanthropist whose $3.5 million endowment brought it into being in 1876, just two years after his death.
16. University of Pennsylvania
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. This university has around 12,000 members of this Ivy League community are active in 300-plus public service programs.
17. Duke University
This is considered as one of the best research knowledge based university of the world. Its 8,610 acre campus includes a 7,000-acre forest and a coastal marine research center. It has 10 schools and colleges.

18. University of Michigan
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. In 2009, enrolments across 28 schools and colleges of three campuses numbered 58,089, and the institution had amassed 1,400 student organizations and 8 million library books.
19. Cornell University
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. This university offers about 4,000 courses in 11 undergraduates and professional schools.
20. University of Toronto
The University of Toronto is also included in the list of best universities of the world. This was established in 1827, the University of Toronto is a vibrant and diverse academic community. It includes 80,000 students, 12,000 colleagues holding faculty appointments, 200 librarians and 6,000 staff members across three distinctive campuses.
21. University College London
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. Today, this university has around 21,600 students which are served by about 8,000 staff members.
22. Northwest University
This university is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. It’s 240-acre campus accommodates more than 16,000 students which are taught and served by around 2,500 staff members.
23. University of Tokyo
There are different types of research reports that have clearly shown this fact that the University of Tokyo has lead research and education in Japan since its foundation as a National University in 1877.
24. Carnegie Mellon University
This university was founded by Andrew Carnegie and it has about 143 acre campus. CMS is one of the few American universities to offer a degree in bagpipes and it counts at least 16 Nobel, 41 Emmy and four Oscar winners among its alumni.
25. University of Washington
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. This university is serving in different fields and disciplines and it has produced different famous personalities of the world.
26. National University of Singapore
This is considered a leading global university in Central Asia. This National University of Singapore is Singapore’s flagship university, which offers a global approach to education and research with a focus on Asian perspectives and expertise.
27. University of Texas at Austin
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. The University of Texas at Austin opened in September 1883. It is considered as the largest institution of the University of Texas system and one the largest public universities in the United States.
28. Georgia Institute of Technology
Its 400-acre city-center campus caters for around 20,000 students served by a faculty of about 900 schools in six colleges: architecture; computing; engineering; liberal arts; managements and sciences.
29. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
This is also considered as one of the best universities of the world. This university teaches around 43,000 students enrolled in about 150 courses of study at 17 colleges.
30. University of Wisconsin – Madison
Ranging over 900 acres by the shores of Lake Mendota, UW Madison in 1848 was one of the first US-land grant universities. It’s approximately 2,000-strong faculty maintains a strong link with agriculture and the life sciences for around 42,000 students.