College education plays a very much important role in the life of an individual. It decides the direction of one’s career for the rest of his life. Now days the cost of college education has been increased considerably and there are different types of research reports that have clearly shown different important reasons for this issue. Now students adopt very much caution in deciding about their college life and they also consider the future expected earning from this degree.
The National Bureau of Economic Research has attempted to find best college degree for students that can provide best return or wage rate in future by looking at the factors that affect the pay that graduates in different disciplines can expect to earn. Among these factors, the most common is raising costs of education in colleges which has become more than double in last four to five years.
There are different disciplines in the college life that may provide good wage rate to the students after completing their education. We have selected this article in order to discuss some important college degrees that pay highest wage rate.
15. Letters
This is considered as one of the most important discipline with high wage rate in different parts of the world. There are different types of research reports that have clearly shown this fact that letters is a broad discipline and graduates often find their own career paths. These reports have also shown this fact that graduates can boost their pay by an average of 13% per year due to this degree. The average hourly pay of this discipline stands at around $.27.41.
14. Biological Science
This degree also provides good wage rate for students completing their education this broad filed. Different types of research studies suggest that students may increase their earnings to an average of 51%. Currently the average hourly pay from this degree is $27.26.
13. Communication
This degree is also considered as one of the most important and high paying degree in the world. The journalists can increase their pay due to this degree and they can experience an average rise of around 4% per year. Currently the average hourly pay for this degree is nearly $ 28.17.
12. History
The average hourly pay for this degree is $ 29.52. The graduates can witness an increase in their pay up to 22% per year. Some research studies suggest that there is great shortage of graduates around the world in this discipline.
11. Nursing
The nursing is also considered as one of the most important and high paying degree across the world. There are different colleges and universities around the world offering the advanced education in this discipline. Currently the average hourly pay for this discipline stands at $ 31.12.
10. Business Management and Administration
This is also considered as one of the most important and high paying degree across the world. There are different types of research reports that have clearly shown the importance of this college degree and every year hundreds of graduates are coming in the market with this degree. The average hourly pay for this degree stands at $ 31.56 and the students can see an annualized rise of around 6% from this degree.
9. Marketing
Like Business Management and Administration, the Marketing degree is also considered as one of the highest paying degrees in the world. Currently the average hourly pay for this discipline is around $ 33.10. The students can also enjoy an annualized rise of around 4% from this degree.
8. Political Science
The Political Science is considered as a decent paying career path. There are different types of research reports that have shown this fact that currently average hourly pay from this degree stands at around $ 33.50. The individuals with this degree can witness an average annualized rise of around 26%.
7. IT and Computer
The field of Information Technology and Computer is also considered as one of the highest paying college degree. Some research studies suggest that this is a hot area that keeps getting hotter. The average hourly pay from this discipline stands at around $ 35.83.
6. Accounting
Students from this discipline can also earn handsome salary. Currently average hourly pay for this discipline stands around $ 36.88. Due to this fact, it is normally said that accounting majors can earn a good living. Students from this discipline can also see an annualized rise of more than 7%.
5. Mathematics
This is also considered as one of the highest paying college degree and it stands at number five position. The average hourly pay for this discipline is around $ 37.36 and the students from this discipline can witness an annualized return of 13% or more.
4. Finance
Like mathematics, the finance is also considered as one of the highest paying college degree. There are different further sub divisions of finance and students can earn handsome earnings from this discipline. Currently average payout from this discipline is around $ 38.21. Students can also witness an annualized rise of more than 11% per year.
3. Mechanical Engineering
This degree is also considered as one of the highest paying college degree. This discipline crosses the barrier of $ 40 and average hourly pay from this discipline is around $ 40.45. Students from this discipline can also enjoy an annualized rise of more than 9%.
2. Electrical Engineering
This degree is also considered as one of the most important and highest paying college degree. There are different types of research reports that have clearly shown this fact that electrical engineers can earn a little bit more than their mechanical colleagues. Currently average hourly pay from this discipline stands at around $ 41.70. Most of the electrical engineers work in robotics.

Photo by Pratt
1. Economics
This is considered as highest paying college degree across the world. There are different types of research reports that have clearly shown this fact that economist around the world are earning better compensations than any other disciplines. The average hourly pay for economists stands at around $ 43.15 and they can also see an annualized rise of more than 17%. It is also the degree that has the highest pay for those in the top 10%.

Photo by Mark Wainwright/flickr