Nothing can compare to the beauty which Mother Nature has created. This applies to all kinds of natural formations, and especially to frozen lakes, ponds and strips of ocean. These wonders are generally fairly rare. If you want to experience this beauty up close and personal, you should definitely check out the following list of the most breathtaking frozen lakes, ponds and oceans.
You will certainly feel like a princess or a prince in your very own frozen kingdom.
1. Lake Baikal, Russia

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The deepest lake in the world offers some truly spectacular ice formations when its waters get frozen during the cold winter months. The so-called emerald ice formations look like waves rising from the snow. Their tantalizing blue color literally leaves you speechless.
In a sunny day, you can marvel at them for hours watching how the sunlight passes through them. The surrounding mountains make the setting even more impressive. One interesting thing to note about Lake Baikal is that it’s common for people living in the area to use ice crossings to shorten their travel time during the winter months. They drive freely on the “frozen roads”.
2. Abraham Lake, Canada

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It’s amazing to see the white bubbles forming columns underneath the surface. They are in great contrast with the frozen blue water. At this point it is natural to ask yourself how come any other lake doesn’t have these kinds of bubbles. The answer is simple: these are not air bubbles, but methane ones.
This is what makes their appearance so unique. When the weather gets warmer, the bubbles travel to the surface and release the methane into the air. You wouldn’t want to be around with a cigarette or match light when this happens.
3. The Arctic Ocean

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You know that its shores are covered with thick blocks of ice, but it has other spectacular ice formations to offer – frost flowers. Just like the ones which can appear on the windows of houses, those in the ocean are formed from water vapor. In the ocean, this happens on the surface of already existing blocks of ice.
The unique clusters of crystals get released from the surface and are carried by the ocean waves, usually close to the shore. This actually makes it easy for people to enjoy their beauty for as long as they want. It is common for frost flowers to travel in huge groups. They have often been compared to swans and other graceful birds.
4. Lake Michigan, USA

Source: Wikipedia
It is awesome to see the thin irregularly shaped blocks of ice flowing on the water. The contrast between the white and transparent blocks and the dark blue water is more than impressive. The lake is so vast and the surrounding landscape is so flat that you can literally feel as if the place is out of this world. It is easy to imagine that if you travel across this mysterious lake you will reach a magical country.
5. Blue Pond in Japan
You probably wouldn’t think of Japan, when you are asked to say where the most beautiful lakes and ponds in the world are, but this pond is more than breathtaking, especially during the winter.
The frozen water has incomparable blue color and reflects the trunks and branches of the trees covered in snow. The atmosphere is absolutely peaceful. Nothing seems to be moving. It is hard to think of a better place to relax in nature.
6. Lake Druzhby, Antarctica
You will probably not be able to visit this lake as a tourist, but you can do it as part of a scientific expedition. This, however, shouldn’t stop you from admiring its beauty which is quite obvious from the many photos taken of its frozen surface. You can see the tiny white bubbles creating unique formations underneath the surface. They could be described as grass stalks, flowers and even stalagmites.
In any case, the surface of the frozen lake looks like a field which is out of this world. The best pictures of this unique place are taken when the sun sets behind the surrounding rocky hills. One interesting fact is that even machines can cross the lake when the ice is thick enough.
7. Lake Erie, USA

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When you look at the ice peaks rising from the water of this lake in Ohio, you may think twice about taking a trip to Alaska. They take all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some appear to be like waves created by the water. Others are similar to the stones used for building ancient megalithic structures.
There are also very delicate transparent formations which look like gemstones that have come from the necklace of a queen. You can stay on the shore all day and describe the numerous different shapes. This would be a fun game to play for sure.
8. Frozen Pond in Switzerland

Source: Wikipedia
The 3-dimensional geometric patterns which the ice has formed are absolutely amazing. It looks out of this world. The surface of the pond looks as it if it is the glass work of a talented artist. You wish you could touch the surface to feel the smooth sides and the sharp edges of the miniature pyramids formed.
While the pattern is more than beautiful, you should know that it usually gets formed when the ice is quite thin. That is why setting a foot on the frozen surface could be extremely dangerous. Besides, you could easily break it and ruin the wonderful masterpiece of the elements.
9. Lake McDonald, USA

Source: Wikipedia
This lake in the state of Montana is beautiful all year round thanks to its crystal blue waters and the surrounding rocky peaks. During the winter, however, it looks as if it has come out of a fairytale. The ice on the surface forms all kinds of unique patterns which you can gaze at for hours.
The view of thin irregularly shaped blocks of ice stuck on a pile next to the shore makes you want to grab one and use it for decorating your home. Regrettably, we all know that ice formations don’t last long indoors.