Happiness is considered as the most precious thing of life. People spend their whole life in achieving this precious thing. They sacrifice their youth, passion, love, money and many other things in order to find this unique and precious thing. It is said that nobody is happy at all the time but at the same it is also true that some people are definitely more fulfilled than others. Almost all people try their best to provide their dependents the best of the life either in terms of basic necessities of life or in terms of other things.
The list of other things is quite long and this list plays a vital role in overall happiness of life. Getting or constructing own is the dream and desire of all the individuals. The selection and construction of home depends upon number of factors. Purchasing or constructing a home is very personal decision which cannot be summed up in one post. The first thing which comes into mind while purchasing or constructing a house is the purchasing power of the individual who is going to purchase or build his own house.
People buy or construct their homes according to their purchasing power. After entering into the house, there starts an ongoing process of expenditures for running and renovating the home. The selection of home also affects the level of happiness in the life. It is usually said that large houses sometime look empty from inside while small houses provide more calm and happiness to the persons living there. But this thing is not right in all cases. The smaller home can provide number of opportunities of happiness in different ways. We have selected this article in order to discuss some important ways that how smaller homes can make life happier.

Source: morehouseplans.net
Easy to Maintain
The most important advantage of smaller homes is that they are easier to maintain as compared to the large ones. The maintenance of the home requires sufficient amount of time, energy and certain efforts. So we can say that maintenance of homes is directly proportional to the size of homes. Big houses require more energy, amount of time and efforts in order to properly maintain while at the same the smaller homes require fewer amounts of work and energy for their maintenance.

Source: trendir.com
Less Time for Cleaning
This is also considered another important thing which makes happiness in the life as the smaller homes require less time for cleaning. Most of the women don’t feel happy in cleaning their homes and if you are living in the small homes then it will require less time for cleaning. The spare time can be used for any other activity by women who are involved in the activities of cleaning the homes.

Source: businessweek.com
Low Cost
Another important advantage of smaller homes is that they are less expensive as compared to the large houses. The large houses cost more as compared to the small homes. In addition to the purchasing cost of the home, the smaller houses also cost less in terms of insurance, taxes, heating and electricity. The amount saved on the basis of above mentioned thing can be used for any other purpose.

Source: stephansmithfx.com
Requires Less Debt to Purchase
If someone is unable to purchase the house on cash basis then there are different financial institutions that are offering different packages of mortgage financing. They provide on-line financial calculator to calculate the debt burden. At the same time risk coverage is also conveyed to the individuals who are going to purchase the home. As far as the small homes are concerned, they are considered less expensive and due to this fact if someone is going to buy the home on debt, then they do not put more financial burden on the pockets of the individuals.
Possesses Less Environmental Impacts
This is also considered another positive aspect of smaller homes as the smaller homes requires fewer resources to build and fewer resources to maintain. These entire things collectively affect the overall happiness of the life.
Requires Less Decoration
As compared to the large homes, the smaller homes require less decoration. Many people love the idea of choosing wall color, carpet color, furniture, window design, decoration and light fixture for different rooms. This thing is affordable in smaller homes for small income scale group. If someone loves to decorate his home in small income then he can easily decorate his home in small income level.
Force You for Cleaning
If you are living in smaller homes, then you are forced to do different small jobs in order to clean your home at any cost. In addition to this, moving into a smaller home forces you to intentionally remove your baggage. The disciplined things in your home make your life happier in different ways.
Easy to Sell
As compared to large homes, the smaller homes are easy to sell and they can be sold easily as the market is wide for smaller homes. Different retail property dealers always have list of buyers who are ready to purchase the smaller homes.
Encourages More Social Interactions
This is considered another important advantage of smaller homes as they encourage more social interactions and this thing ultimately brings happiness in the life. There are different types of research reports that have clearly shown this fact that the small homes result in more social interactions among the members of the family. This thing also promotes love and affection among all the members of the family.