Volcanoes in Hawaii are called one of the most dangerous ones because of their geographical locations and all the damages they have caused in all the previous years. Despite all the destruction, we are forced to say that volcanoes are one of the greatest creations of nature and their worth in the world’s geography cannot be neglected whatsoever.
Here is the list of 10 interesting factors about the volcanoes in Hawaii so dig in and get your hands on some of the incredible yet eye-opening facts.
1. World’s Most Active Volcano

Photo by Hawai‘i Volcanoes NPS
Although, it is hard to objectify the overall measurement of Hawaii Volcano known as Kilauea’s. However, most of the geologist claims that Kilauea’s is one of the most active volcanoes all around the group because of its continuous eruption. To date, the overall inactivity period of Hawaii’s volcano is just 18 years which was between the 1930s and 1950s.
Other volcanoes that can be counted on the list are situated in Iceland, Japan and some in Sicily.
2. There are Total Three Types of Volcanoes in Hawaii

Photo by johncooke
The eruption and overall activity of any volcano are dependent upon its type and how it tends to react towards the different changes in the list. The Geologist believes that Hawaii Volcano is divided into three major types.
The first one is called the shield volcano which consists of the lava flows which is lower in viscosity and flows at very low speed. The second one tends to erupt inside the surface of the land, it usually occurs due to the changes inside the land.
The last one is made up of ash and rock which can easily grow up to a certain height. These types of volcanoes are usually short-lived and tend to flow in a slower direction because of the material they are made up of.
The volcanoes which are found in Hawaii are mix in nature because they tend to leave different impacts on the land-based on the changes inside.
3. Volcanoes are erupting since 1983

Photo by liberalmind1012
To the surprise, the volcanoes in Hawaii are erupting for more than three decades now along the East Rift Zones. Although the level of overall activity varies from day to day, sometimes, the activity is very low-key and sometimes it goes beyond the procedure of evacuation in the sub-divisions.
The eruptions in the volcano can easily be viewed from the National Park Volcano Resort as well as the central hotel nearby.
4. Hawaii Volcanoes consists of Two Dozen Craters

Photo by dmsumon
Due to its unique creation, the volcanoes in Hawaii consist of two dozen craters that are responsible for giving birth to the lava. Since the placement of Hawaii volcano is at the low-level, which means above the sea level therefore, it consists of the highest amount of craters.
The amount of craters in Hawaii is considered as one of the unique ones in history because of the eruption capabilities which cannot be compared with the other ones.
5. Destructive yet most Productive Volcano

Photo by radkuch.13
Most people might consider volcanoes as the most dangerous ones and destructive to the human being. However, volcanoes are not only destructive but they are also very productive and contribute to the overall formation of islands in the world.
The Hawaii volcano is basically responsible for giving height to the cliffs due to its layer system. Layers upon layers effectively facilitate the islands in growing outwards, it also helps in forming the landmass of sweeping mountains, beaches, and also the high-range cliffs.
According to history, the lava from the big volcanoes of Hawaii has laid the foundations of the Big Islands in the area; it also contributes to the creation of a submarine base. These volcanoes are also responsible for feeding the ecosystem during the rainy system. The rain helps in breaking the rocks of the mountains which further allows the flow of nutrients that are highly efficient for the eco-system.
6. Golf Course on Volcano

Photo by dronepicr
This might be a little surprise, but there is surely a golf course near the Volcano of Hawaii.
Before the eruption procedure of the Volcano, a golf course near the area was created which is standing still to the date. The course consists of some staying rooms which can be used by the players for the night stay. The golf course consists of a total of 19 holes in the playing zone. Interestingly, the 19th hole in the Gold course link to the caldera which is the initial zone of the Volcano.
7. The Oldest Volcano National Park

Photo by Harshil.Shah
In 1916, the National Park services were established in order to allow the tourist to enjoy the view of the Volcano from the central zone without entering into any sort of dangerous zones. By visiting this national park, people could explore the history of the volcano and can see the overall eruption procedure. Indeed a great way through which people could appreciate the artifacts of nature and identify them by themselves.
8. Pele Lives in Hawaii Volcanoes

Photo by Prayitno
Pele is basically the cultural and religious symbol in Hawaii which is presumably living inside the Hawaii Volcano. In the older traditions, Pele is the goddess of the volcano, she is made up of fire and is the biggest contributor to the creation of the island in Hawaii.
Most of the residents believe in the fact that Pele is wicked in her temper and tends to direct the eruption in the volcano.
9. Taller than Mount Everest Volcano

Photo by Lenny K
Mauna Kea’s is the sister mountain to the Kilauea’s and is called as one of the tallest volcanoes. The height of this volcano is about 14,000 above the sea level, and its base is inside the ocean which is around 33,500 feet that makes it taller than Mount Everest.
10. Hawaii Lave is the most Mesmerizing One

Photo by eye of einstein
The lave of Hawaii’s one of the dangerous volcanoes is called the most mesmerizing gone because of its unique texture and eruption powers which allows it to flow in the right density. According to the research, the lave consists of the sticky material which is enough to form the base of an island. Additionally, the magma spilled is also commendable because of its incredible motion.
The endless destructive yet productive powers of Hawaii volcano make it the most different and the active one all around the globe. These volcanoes are not only responsible for creating a disturbance in geographical settings. However, they are also actively contributing to the building base of a number of islands in Hawaii.
The volcano might seem like the most dangerous one but it is surely the most important one too.
The facts mentioned-above literally left us amazed. What are your opinions? Make us aware by leaving your comments below.