1. Detroit
This is considered as one of the most dangerous city of America on the basis of crime. Different types of reports have claimed a violent crime rate as 2,137 per 100,000 residents. The most of the crimes have been reported in the form of gang-related violence. Violent crimes, murder, rape, robbery and assault are more common.
2. St. Louis
The St. Louis is another dangerous city of U.S on the basis of crimes having violent rate of more than 1,860 per 100,000 residents. There are different types of research reports that have clearly shown this fact that St. Louis has been plagued by murders and other violent crimes for year and fortunately the crime rate fell to 4% last year.

Photo by Campus Reporter
3. Oakland
This is also considered another dangerous city of America having crime rate of 1,683 crimes per 100,000 residents. Different types of research studies have shown this fact that Oakland’s high levels of poverty and proximity to drug corridors combine to generate different violence at an increased rate.
4. Memphis
The Memphis is also famous in U.S as far as the crime rates are concerned. This dangerous city has crime rate of 1,583 crimes per 100,000 residents. The total population of this city is around 655,000 and thus this crime rate is quite high as far as the size of population is concerned. The police of the city claims that they suffer from reporting problem- as in, they report more crimes that some other cities.

Photo by Steve
5. Birmingham, Ala
This is also considered as another dangerous city of America on the basis of crimes. This city has total population around 214,580 people and the crime rate is 1,483 crimes per 100,000 residents. There are different types of research reports that have shown this fact that this city’s high crime rate can be attributed to the drug trade and its high poverty rate.
6. Atlanta
Atlanta is also included in the list of most dangerous cities of America. The Atlanta has total population around 425,433 people. As far as the crime rate is concerned, there are 1,433 crimes per 100,000 residents. Atlanta’s position as an ideal drug transit point helps keep it high on the list of most dangerous cities. Different types of reports issued by home department of the country, the violent crime rate rose over 6% during last year, driven mostly by robbery and assault.
7. Baltimore
The Baltimore is also included in the list of most dangerous cities of America that have been classified on the basis of crime rate. Baltimore has total population around 626,848 persons and the violence rate is 1,417 crimes per 100,000 residents. There are different types of research reports that have shown this fact that the violent crime rate of this city fell about 5% over last year but this city is still plagued with drugs and poverty and ranks in the top 15 U.S cities for all violent crimes including the forcible rape.
8. Stockton
The Stockton is also considered another dangerous city of America based upon crime rate. This city has total population of around 300,000 persons and the crime rate is 1,408 crimes per 100,000 residents. Police and other law enforcement agencies are trying their best to control this increased violence rate in this city of America.
9. Cleveland
The Cleveland is also included in the list of most dangerous cities of America based upon crime rate. Cleveland has total population of around 400,000 persons and this city has crime rate as 1,363 crimes per 100,000 residents. There are different types of research reports that have clearly shown this fact that this city’s economic decline, location on prime interstate drug routes and large population of poor residents keep it among the most violent cities.
10. Buffalo
Buffalo comes at number ten on the list of most dangerous cities of America that have been classified on the basis of crime rate. This city has total population around 270,000 persons. As far as the crime rate is concerned, this city has 1,238 crimes per 100,000 residents. According to the Metropolitan data, this city’s crime rate has fallen considerably since the 1990s, along with the rest of the country, but with 30% of its residents below the poverty level and the police are having difficulty driving the rate on the lower sides.